
ECCT Project

Empowering Civil Society Organization to Combat Human trafficking in Sri Lanka (ECCT )

Project Locations: Kandy & Nuwara Eliya.
Project description :
SAMADANAM through its year 01 activities implemented within the Central Province (excluding Matale district) intends to contribute to the ECCT project’s overall stated impact of “to initiate, facilitate and strengthen the collective effort of civil society and grassroots communities to support the government of Sri Lanka in achieving inclusive, democratic and economic governance mechanisms in relation to countering human trafficking in the country”. The ECCT project with its 3-pronged strategy of consolidating, capacitating, and collaborating intends to engage government, non-governmental, and private sector stakeholders and victims and affected communities in order to collective address issues of TiP and labour migration as they impact negatively towards enjoyment of human, democratic, and labour rights of the people.

SAMADANAM will have 3 specific programme strategies namely, (1) Evidence based studies and assessments, (2) Capacity building of actors, and (3) Initiating community platforms and structures. These strategies will operate within the context of ECCT’s overall 3 pronged approaches of consolidating, capacitating, and collaboration.

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