
Offered our Project

At about this time of year, some months after New Year’s resolutions have been made and kept, or made and neglected.

NLEAP Project

.National Language Equality and Advancement Project (NLEAP)
Project Location : Selected DS Divisions ( Kandy, Nuwaraeliya, Matale

SDC Project

Embassy of Switzerland to Sri Lanka and the Maldives (SDC)
Project Locations: Gagawatakoralaya, Harispathtuwa, Kundasale, Panwila, Gampola (Udapalata)

ECCT Project

.Empowering Civil Society Organization to Combat Human trafficking in Sri Lanka (ECCT )
Project Locations: Kandy & Nuwara Eliya

TAF Project

Project Locations: Kandy, Kurunagala, Kegalle, Galle, Hambantota, Trincomalee, Batticaloa , Ampara, vavuniya, ect. (All island project)

Leaving No One Behind’ Project

The Project titled “Leaving No One Behind: Inclusive Economic Opportunities for Vulnerable Populations in Kandy District
Project Locations: Akurana,(Bulugahatenna, Kurugoda


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